Heath Frantz
teaches: youtube consulting
Heath was brought up in a musical household that prohibited Rock N Roll. For the initial years of his life, he was deprived of his now favorite music genre that he did not know, until the day he stumbled upon AC/DC and landed in detention for ignoring the teacher in favor of listening to the music.
Growing up in the United States, he embarked on his YouTube journey as a gaming channel, persisting for seven years through countless hours of learning the intricacies of YouTube and persevering through periods of low viewership. His subscriber count began to rise when he launched the YouTube channel under the moniker Mr. Rock N Roll.
Since then, he engages in conversations with musicians, hosts the talk show MixMashers, and serves as one of the creative forces behind the rock band The Sauce. None of these achievements would have been possible without acquiring the skills to edit and grow a YouTube channel.
Let him be your mentor as he assists you in establishing and managing your own channel. Heath, also known as "Mr. Rock N Roll," can provide you with valuable insights into managing your channel. Embark on your content creation journey today with the one and only Mr. Rock N Roll.
Over the last few years, Mr. Rock N Roll and handful of professional musicians have been working around the clock creating a music program to help individuals (or bands) live their musical dreams. What we came up with was an easy-to-understand, yet comprehensive program designed to take you from the garage to the studio and onward. While some music studios stick to a “one size fits all” style of teaching that can leave you feeling stagnated in your progress, others skip the fundamentals in favor of “quick jumps” to advanced techniques that can leave gaps in your skill level and knowledge.
This is why Mr. Rock N Roll’s Rock Academy is taking a hybrid approach where we make sure the fundamentals are all in place WHILE teaching you exactly what you want to learn!
“You like music? So do I! I’m very proud of this crack squad of savvy motivated personnel and of the work they do. Now go bring the Rock N Roll thunder to the world AND TELL’EM WHO SENT YA!!”